Monday, October 18, 2010

dear cik Hanis Hafizah

kehadapan cik Hanis Hafizah yang terchenta~
dan yang comel.macam akak XD

thank u for ur post - on ME~ kakakakaka thats funny... ade ke patut wat post pasal akak... comel lah awak nih.... anyways, what u wrote was so moving (XP) and so sweet... i, too, love u very much. and thank u fo all ur sincere words... maaflah it took me so long to answer ur post. but i think, this is the best time for me give u my sincere voice and to pour u with advices...

dear aneh,
akak juga nak cakap thank u kat awak.. thank u for being so understanding all this while..
bila akak sedih akak ade awak.
bila akak happy pon akak happy ngan awak.
bila akak gian korea pon awak gian sekali.
bila akak blur, awak lagi blur.
haha macam skarang.. sama2 blur. bwahaha tah pape tah
akak seronok sangat sebab jumpa korang. and akak harap sangat korang pon dapat sama2 sanjung rahmat dakwah dengan akak di bumi australia ni.. nanti kak afrah da balik, akak akan keseorangan. again. so sudikah kalian, especially awak, berbaris dengan akak? kekeke ayat taleh blah... hahaha *tergolek2 terlompat ketawa, macam biasa*

and aneh,
akak sayang awak

i know this is a hard time for u..
i know, i know
u're not supposed to carry such burden at this time of the year where submissions are at the shoulders of ours, weighing our body from day to day. plus, this is not something that u shud be thinking about at your age. but the sun is always there, just covered by the clouds and u will be showered with its sunshine again, trust me.

and u will always have me, beside u, in u, with u, today and always, insyaAllah... i may not always be there right beside u, but u know i am...

akak mintak maaf akak tak dapat nak tolong awak sangat... cuz i cant say i understand and i cant simply say things sebab akak takut awak terguris.... akak tengok development cousin akak from the day he found out about these things and i still dunno whats best; whether to say sumthing that i think might comfort him or just shut up and listen... so akak mitak maaf sangat akak jadi speechless when u i think i should say sumthing... but trust me, when u need an ear to talk to, you have me. when u need a hand to help, u have me. when u need a handkerchief to wipe things, you have mine.. so fret not and worry not.

just promise me, aneh. jangan simpan sorang2... awak ada ramai org kat sisi awak yang maybe taleh tolong selesaikan masalah awak, tapi boleh tolong awak... ok?

and aneh,
akak sayang awak..

p/s. nantikan edisi ke-2 utk surat ini XP