Thursday, August 21, 2008


empty - - - - - ness

its obvious

its growing

and its bothering

shud it be?

and shud i be?

its never gonna end

is it?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

love is

Love doesnt always work

That’s life

That’s how it is here

But when you find love, i guess its really beautiful,

or atleast thats what ive read in the novel

I dont know about it as much as i say i do

But i know there’s a reason why everybody wants it so much

its the closest thing we have to magic

isnt it?

it is, i guess , the closest thing we have to magic

an unseen object yet able to do lots of vigorous things

an untouchable entity yet able to make us feel powerful emotions

something that seems almost not real yet able to control us

our sentiments, our impressions, our inspirations

if i must say, love itself is magic

it is pure and serene

beautiful and gorgeous

“Dijadikan terasa indah dalam pandangan manusia cinta terhadap apa
yang diinginkan... itulah kesenangan hidup...” (( ; ))

but it could be a horrifying dark magic

conquering our will

and fearful enough, our mind

“Dan janganlah engkau jadikan tanganmu terbelenggu pada lehermu (mengharap menerima) dan jangan (pula) engkau terlalu
menggulurkannya (sangat pemurah memberi)...”

be careful, myself...

“.... nanti kamu jadi tercela dan menyesal....” ((17 ; 29))

be VERY careful....

it is just a gambar hiasan... but a pretty cute one though... XD